

Becoming a respected industry leader


Helping customers achieve their goals, driven by innovation, and making outstanding contributions to the continuous development of the electronics industry


Customer first, pursuit of excellence, dedication to work and learning, teamwork, embracing change, and the courage to take responsibility
Customer first ------ customer demand-oriented, innovation-driven, create competitiveness for customers
The pursuit of excellence ------ rejects mediocrity in order to exceed the standards expected by peers and customers
Dedicated and studious ------ Responsible, independent thinking, to keep the state of continuous improvement
Teamwork ------ There is no perfect individual, only a perfect team
Embrace change ----- accept challenges, the only constant in this world is change
Have the courage to take on ------ face the difficulties, at this moment I am the only one


We always adhere to the business philosophy of "assisting customers in achieving goals and creating value for them", always pursuing a technical leadership position in segmented markets, continuously investing in research and development, continuously innovating to promote industry progress, and providing customers with the best products and solutions

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